How to grow Anthurium from seed! (a step-by-step tutorial)

How to grow Anthurium from seed! (a step-by-step tutorial)

Have you ever wondered how to grow Anthurium from seed? After years of experimenting, we have developed a successful routine that has allowed us to create the world's most exclusive hybrid Anthurium. 

Here's our detailed step-by-step tutorial on how to grow Anthurium from seed:

1. How do I get my Anthurium to flower?
An Anthurium plant is typically considered mature when they are about one year old. The exact age and size at which an Anthurium plant will mature and begin to flower can vary depending on the specific species and the growing conditions it is exposed to. Make sure that your Anthurium plant is in a healthy and well-maintained state. Keep it well-watered, fertilized, and in a location with bright, indirect light. This will give it the best chance of producing healthy flowers.

2. When do I pollinate an Anthurium inflorescense?
Once a flower appears, patiently wait for it to open. Once, it has opened, you'll know it's ready for pollination when you see the that the flower's stigma is covered in a sticky substance. These tiny droplets occur in the female phase, attracting and trapping pollen grains from another flower in the male phase. Once the pollen grains are stuck to the stigma, they can germinate and begin to grow down the style towards the ovules, where fertilization can occur. With some flowers, it is very difficult to successfully notice when the flower is receptive as droplets do not form visibly. Smelling the flower for a noticeable scent might help. 

Anthurium Luxurians Flower - Downtown Plant Club    

3. How to pollinate an Anthurium inflorescense?
Transfer the male pollen grains from one flower to another receptive flower with the use of a small paintbrush, Q-tip or even your finger. Gently dab the pollen onto the sticky droplets. Make sure to cover the entire flower to maximise the amount of potential seeds.

4. How to store Anthurium pollen?
It may be challenging to have both a receptive, sticky flower and another flower full of pollen at the same time. Luckily, you can harvest the pollen and store them in the freezer until a new flower forms droplets. Again, use a small paintbrush or a Q-tip and gently remove the pollen onto a folded piece of aluminium foil before placing it in the fridge. You can also use a small plastic container to store the pollen.

5. How do I know I successfully pollinated?
After pollinating the flowers, be sure to keep an eye on them and check for any signs of fertilization. You may see small berries starting to form on the flowers or see the flower thickening, which is a good indication that the pollination was successful. In general, if a flower is still alive after 6-8 weeks, there is a significant chance you will be getting seeds!

6. How to recognise ripe berries
If the flower has been pollinated successfully, wait until the berries have turned red or orange. This usually happens after the plant has finished blooming, which can take several months. For some varieties, such as the Anthurium Clarinervium and Anthurium Veitchii, the ripening process can easily take up to 12 months. When the berries are ripe, they look like they are about to pop out of the flower. 

7. How to harvest Anthurium berries
Gently twist the berries off the flower, being careful not to damage the flower.  Some berries may ripen earlier than others meaning you can harvest several berries at a time until the flower is completely harvested. Squeeze the berries open with your fingers, and carefully remove the seed(s) from inside. Most Anthurium have one seed per berrie but there are varieties that have two, sometimes even three inside.

8. How to clean Anthurium seeds
Rinse the seeds thoroughly under cold water to remove any residual fruit or plant material. You can also soak the seeds in a mix of water and hydrogen peroxide for about 30 minutes (suggest 2/3rd water, 1/3rd 3% hydrogen peroxide). This will help get rid of unwanted bacteria. Make sure to rinse again under cold water afterwards to remove the hydrogen peroxide.

9. How to plant Anthurium seeds
Spread the seeds out on a paper towel or piece of paper to dry completely.  Once the seeds are completely dry, you can plant them inside a plastic container filled with lightly moist spaghnum moss. Open the lid of the plastic container every two days to allow for fresh air.

Anthurium Crystallinum grown from seed - Downtown Plant Club

10. How to grow your seeds into plants

Once the seedlings have developed multiple roots and leaves you can pot them in a seedling pot. For the substrate we suggest a mixture of New Zealand spaghnum, perlite, coco husk and orchid bark. 

Although it takes patience, growing your own Anthurium from seed is very rewarding and fairly easy if you stick to our 10-step routine. Do your Anthurium plants refuse to produce a flower, despite your efforts? D
on't feel like waiting for months for seeds to develop? No worries, we got you! We regularly sell batches of exclusive seeds, including very special hybrids. Check out our large collection of rare Anthurium seeds here


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